This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sashi, the future teacher

Shashi, Future Pardada Pardadi Teacher!
Dear James, Brian and Robin, Allison, Laura, Jerame, Mike and Suzanne, Sanjiv-Rajani, Elena and Shanen, Brad, Alice and Brad, and George,

and Alice! Together you have made a huge difference.

Currently, Shashi is in Class 7A at Pardada Pardadi. She lives in the village of Faijpura in Uttar Pradesh. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a housewife.

Shashi is a very intelligent and mischievous girl at school. However, her being mischievous is fun for the girls and some of the teachers because she keeps them entertained with her antics! Her favorite subjects are English and Math which will stand her in good stead when she achieves her ambition of becoming a teacher at Pardada Pardadi! Shashi loves to read, specially English books.

Thank you James(x2), Brian and Robin, Allison, Laura, Mike and Suzanne, Jerame, Sanjiv and Rajani, Elena, Brad, Alice, George for donating a year of tuition, food, and uniforms to Shashi. She appreciates your gift and hopes to meet you someday.

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