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Radha’s life has now changed

Dear Charlie,

I am Radha. I study in grade 9 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahar, Uttar Pradesh.  I live in a village called Dugrao, which is about 9 miles away from the school. Though I love coming to school, it was very difficult for me to do so. My family does not own any transportation, and even young children like me get used to walking long miles on foot. Its very different in the villages here, unlike in cities where there are buses and trains- my father walks ten to fifteen miles every day to the farm land where he tills the land.

But with your gift of a bicycle, Charlie, everything has changed. Coming to school is now a great joy.  Now, I also give rides on my bicycle to my friends and family. Sometimes, my father sits on the back of the bicycle too as I carefully pedal it. I know that I should cycle safely; my school tells me that I should not cycle too fast on the road and that I should watch out for traffic.

Thank you, Charlie. Your gift of a bicycle has changed my life totally.

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