This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Neeraj loves going to school!

Dear Juan,

Nineteen year old Neeraj comes from the village of Torai and is in class 9A. Her father, Mahindra, is a farmer while her mother, Harpyari, is a housewife; both of Neeraj’s parents are not educated. Neeraj has four sisters and two brothers whom all live in one room with no toilet, but it does have electricity. Her family has two buffaloes and a cow which provides milk and another source of income.

Neeraj’s parents support her education at Pardada Pardadi along with her two sisters, Sarjiti and Reshvait who are both in class 8. Neeraj likes everything about school, including studying, hanging out with friends, and playing sports. Last year in class 8A, she had a 99% attendance! One of her future goals in life is to become an English teacher since that is one of her favorite subjects at school.

The school has chosen to open a school the area that Neeraj lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

Thank you so much, Juan for supporting Neeraj in your donation of a new uniform, and hopefully she won’t get it to dirty while she is playing her favorite sport, softball!

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