This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rashmi – Future Police Officer!

Dear Neel,

Fourteen year old Rashmi comes from the village of Karanpur and she is currently in class 9A. Her father, Bhojpal is a farmer and her mother, has passed away. Rashmi has 5 brothers and sisters and they all live in a two room house; her family has no toilet or electricity, but they do have a hand pump for water.

At school, Rashmi is a leader in her class. One of her favorite subjects is English and drawing. Furthermore, she is extremely appreciative of everything that her school – Pardada Pardadi provides for her especially the food that is served to her two times a day! Rashmi’s future plan is to become a good police officer after she graduates from school.

The school has chosen to open a school the area that Rashmi lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

Thank you so much, Neel for supporting Rashmi in your donation of a new uniform, and hopefully she won’t get it to dirty while she is playing her favorite sport, football!

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