This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Future beautician!

Future Owner of a Beauty Parlor!
Dear Diane,

Sixteen year old Preeti comes from the village of Karanpur and is studying in class 9A. Her father has passed away while her mother, Vimlesh, is a housewife and farmer. Her mother is a farmer because she needs to support the family since she does not have a husband anymore, and currently they earn below the poverty line.

Preeti’s family lives in a one room house in which her mom, herself, and four other siblings live. Their main source of water is by a village hand pump, but her family does have a toilet. However, they have no electricity connection and have only one cow.

Even with these odds, Preeti wants to succeed in life. Preeti loves English along with computers; she loves to type and currently she is teaching herself how to. After finishing school, Preeti wants to start her own beauty parlor for the ladies in Anupshahr.

Thank you so much Diane for supporting Preeti in your donation of a new uniform. Hopefully when Preeti is playing her favorite game, football, she won’t get it too dirty! Thank you again!

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