This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Krishna loves her music and vocational skills class!


Dear erika, Melissa, Paris, Amit, Patricia, Larissa, Laurent, Craig, Dennis, Alice and Brad and Belinda,


Seventeen year old Krishna hails from the village of Malakpur and is currently in grade 9 at the high school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahar, India. Her father, Ram, is a farmer and her mother, Savita, is a housewife. Her family lives in a two room house along with five sisters and a baby brother. The family has no toilet, but they do have a hand pump and electricity. They also have one buffalo which is gives them milk.

Krishna loves music, both listening to music and learning it in the music classes conducted in school. Apart from acquiring knowledge, what she loves best about attending school is learning vocational skills. She is currently learning machine sewing and she also loves machine embroidery.

Like any other girl from rural Uttar Pradesh, she never thought she would get the opportunity to attend school and dream of having a career and be economically independent. Despite being illiterate themselves, both her parents were very supportive of the girls being educated and got them enrolled in Pardada Pardadi. Krishna is one of the brighter girls in her class. She is very grateful to her school and parents for having faith in her abilities and for giving her the opportunity to step out of her home and learn marketable skills – a privilege not every girl enjoys in her village!

Your generous donations, Erika, Melissa, Paris, Amit, Patricia, Larissa, Laurent, Craig, Dennis (x2) and Alica and Brad (x2) will ensure that Krishna gets to attend another year of school at Pardada Pardadi. Your donation  of a set of two school uniforms, Belinda, will ensure that Krishna takes pride in her smart appearance and looks forward to stepping into school every day.

Thank you all for coming together in support of Krishna!

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