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Future Airhostess!

Future Airhostess!
Dear shannon and Wilfrid,

Fifteen year old Rekha comes from the village of Mau and is studying in class 9A. Her father, Shyoraj, is a farmer while her mother, Kanti, is a housewife; her father has an 8th grade education and her mother has none. Rekha has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live together in a two room house; the house has no toilet or electricity, but it does have a hand pump for water. The family owns three buffaloes which provides milk and labor, thus providing an additional source of income.

At school, Rekha loves learning vocational skills and is currently learning machine sewing. In the afternoon you can find her with a tape measure around her neck because of this class! After graduating from Pardada Pardadi, Rekha wants to go to school to become an air hostess; she wants to have a job so that she can look after herself in the future.

Pardada Pardadi has chosen to open a school the area that Rekha lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

Thank you so much, Shannon, for your generous donation, thereby ensuring that Rekha gets to attend another year of school.

Thank you, Wilfrid, for donating a set of two uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks for Rekha, that will last her an entire academic year!

Your support will surely help her realize her potential and motivate Rekha to work towards fulfilling her goals!

Thank you again!

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