This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Jyoti aspires to become a language teacher!

Dear Laurent,

Seventeen year old Jyoti lives in the village of Anoopshahr, Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Dinesh, is a farmer andĀ her mother, Shashi, is a housewife. Jyoti has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a three room house, which has no toilet but does have a water pump and an electrical connection. Jyoti’s family owns one buffalo which provides them milk and a source of labor.

Both Jyoti’s parents have studies upto grade 10, and realize the value of an education. Which is why they were very happy when Pardada Pardadi chose to open a school for girls in the area. Jyoti is currently enrolled in grade 9. HerĀ favorite subjects are vocational skills and English.

When she finishes school, Jyoti plans to make use of her education and become a Hindi teacher, so that she can help educate others. However, right now, Jyoti just loves to eat sweets and play cricket at school with her friends.

Thank you so much, Laurent for supporting Jyoti through your donation of a set of two school uniforms, a pair of shoes and a set of warm clothes. This will last her through an entire academic year and keep her warm during the winters.


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