This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Gift of economic independence!

Dear Laurent, Susan, James, Bill and Colleen, Jeffrey, Mike and Suzanne, Katherine, and Peter and Kim,

Fifteen year old Ruksar hails from the village of Karanpur.  Her father, Akhair, is in the service field while her mother, Firdaus, is a housewife. Her father has a 12th class education and her mother has none. Ruksar comes from an extremely poor family, which includes three sisters and two brothers. They have no electricity, no toilet, and not even a hand pump. Her family gathers water at a municipal pump in her village, which is not always safe for consumption.

Ruksar is a very intelligent girl who wants to do well in life. Since she doesn’t come from a very stable family financially, she could not dream of going to school and completing her education, had it not been for Pardada Pardadi that has opened a school in the area where Ruksar lives. She is currently studying in the 10th grade here and loves attending school. Furthermore, Ruksar’s mother is highly supportive of her schooling because she knows the value of education, especially for a young girl, who has so much talent and drive.

Pardada Pardadi gives girls like Ruksar the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they can grow up to be economically independent by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, the school also offers these girls a job after graduation that will put their vocational skills to good use. This will give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually have, in her village. With the money that Ruksar can earn, she can help her family out financially by buying livestock or poultry that will provide them an additional income or by buying food and other necessities for the house.

Your generous donation, Laurent, Susan (x3), James (x2), Bill and Colleen, Jeffrey, Mike and Suzanne (x2), Kathrine and Peter and Kim will ensure that Ruksar has a marketable skill to fall back on!

Your generous donation, Laurent, will enable Pardada Pardadi to provide a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks for Ruksar.

Thank you all for coming together in support of Ruksar. Your support is much appreciated!


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