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School is now 10 minutes away for Jyoti!

Jyoti-Riding 2
Dear Laurent,

Seventeen year old, Jyoti, hails from the village of Anoopshahr. Her father, Dinesh, is a farmer with an education of 10th class, while her mother, Shashi, is a housewife but also has a 10th class education. Jyoti has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a 3 room house; her family has no toilet but they do have a hand pump for water and an electrical connection. Jyoti’s main duties at home are housework which consists of cleaning, cleaning, and helping out her sisters, brothers, and any of her family that comes over. Also, Jyoti’s family owns one buffalo which provides them milk and an additional source of income.

Jyoti is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. At school, she loves learning vocational skills and is currently learning machine sewing. In the afternoon you can find her with a tape measure around her neck because of this class! Both of Jyoti’s parents attended school, and they want to make sure that their daughter has an education as well. When she finishes school, Jyoti plans to make use of her education and become a Hindi teacher, so that she can help educate others. However, right now, Jyoti just loves to eat sweets and play cricket at school with her friends.

Her school provides scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. Since Jyoti has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures the safety of the girls. With the bicycle, Jyoti only has to ride 10 minutes instead of the 30 minutes that it might take to walk!

Thank you so much, Laurent, for supporting Jyoti in your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school! Thank you again!


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