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Lovely loves learning hand embroidery!

Lovely Chauhan
Dear Brigid, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne, Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn, and ADRIAN,

Seventeen year old, Lovely, hails from the village of Garhara. Her father, Omveer, is a teacher, and her mother, Kamlesh is a housewife; Lovely’s father has a class 12 education and her mother has an education up till class 10. She has two sisters and two brothers, all of whom live in a three room house; her family has a toilet, hand pump, and electricity. Furthermore, her family owns a cow which provides them with milk and an additional source of income.

Lovely comes from a family that knows the value of education. Since both her father and mother have a high education, they know that the only way Lovely can succeed in life is through studying. Furthermore, they fully support her and her studies unlike some of the parents who send their girls to school. She is currently enrolled in class 9 at a school opened by Pardada Pardadi, in her village.

Lovely loves the vocational skills class in school and enjoys her hand embroidery training very much. Her school, Pardada Pardadi wants to give girls like Lovely the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they are able to earn money by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, if she needs to earn some extra money, her school also gives these girls a job after graduation and using their vocational skills is a part of the job description. This would give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually in her village.

Your donations of a month of vocational training each, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne (x2), Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn and Adrian (x3), will enable Lovely to receive a year of vocational training in the traditional art of hand embroidery. This will help her supplement the family income even while she continues with her studies.

Your generous donation, Brigid will ensure that she receives a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks that will last her an entire academic year, thereby ensuring that gets to attend another year of school.

Thank you, Brigid, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne, Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn and Adrian for coming together to support Lovely!


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