This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Neetu will not be pulled out of school!

Dear Roland,

Thirteen year old, Neetu hails from the village of Nagla Gangapur. Her father, Shyauraj, is a farmer, and her mother, Kanti, is a housewife; her father has a 10th class education while her mother has none. Neetu has three sisters and a brother, all of whom live in a two room house with a toilet, hand pump, and electricity. In addition to this, her family owns two buffaloes which provides them with milk and and an additional source of income.

Neetu is a grade nine student at Pardada Pardadi School for girls, in Anupshahr. She is an attentive girl who likes to sing and dance. One of her favorite things about school is playing Saturday morning cricket with her friends at school. When she finishes school, Neetu would like to become an air hostess, so that she can be independent and take care of herself.

Her school, Pardada Pardadi, provides scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls who live far away from school and attend school regularly. Since Neetu has a bicycle, she is able to come to school on time, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is very unsafe, which is one of the main reasons that prompt parents to pull their girl children out of school. But, with the gift of  a bicycle, Neetu only has to ride 30 minutes instead of the hour or an hour and a half that it took her to walk to school and back!

Thank you so much, Roland, for supporting Neetu in your donation of a bicycle which will ensure that she attends school regularly and completes her education.

Your support will help her become independent, which is a privilege, few women in her village enjoy.


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Give $58 » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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