This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Pooja is blessed to have very supportive parents!

Dear Brigid,

Fourteen year old, Pooja hails from the village of Makhaina. Her father, Sunil, is a driver, and her mother, Kusoom, is a housewife. Her father has an education up till class 10 while her mother has no education at all. She has two sisters and one brother, all of whom live in a four room house that has a toilet, hand pump, and an electricity connection. Pooja and her sisters have no responsibilities in her household; this is very rare for girls because many families make them cook, clean, and help around the farm with the animals and with the grain.

Her mother wants Pooja to succeed in school because she knows the value of education and the opportunity that Pardada Pardadi is allowing these girls to have.

Pooja is studying in grade nine, at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. She is a bright young girl, full of energy. Every day she is excited to be at school and a person can tell that by just talking with her. Pooja likes Pardada Pardadi very much because she knows that she is getting an opportunity to have a better future. She likes learning how to use the computers, and she also likes to study. One of her favorite subjects is English; she loves English because she can practice with the volunteers that come to the school. Furthermore, her parents are very supportive of her schoolwork and they always are pushing her to study. When Pooja graduates, she wants to become an inspector with the police force because she wants to help out the country from corruption.

Her school has chosen to open a school the area that Pooja lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

Thank you so much, Brigid, for supporting Pooja with a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks that will last her an entire academic year.

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