This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sujan loves chattering in English- the first in her family to know the language

Dear Kristin and Shawna,

Sujan is 7 years old and hails from the village of Karanpur in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Tittu, is a laborer, and her mother, Mobarik, is a housewife. Sujan has one sister, and her whole family lives in a one room house, which has a toilet, a hand pump for water and an electricity connection. After school, Sujan helps her mother around the house. The family also has one buffalo, which provides the family with milk for consumption and sale.

Sujan is a young and lively girl; whenever a person walks into her classroom, she is always one of the first ones to talk with you. One of her favorite subjects is English, which is loves practicing on your. At every opportunity, Sujan interacts with visitors. Every morning, Sujan and her friends walk to school through dirt paths. During school, there are activities which are both educational and fun, and one of her favorite games is called kho-kho. It is a form of chase and tag in which all the young girls love to play. Her favorite sweet is called barfi; it is a milk based sweet which is perfect for the summer because it is not sticky or it doesn’t melt. As of right now, when Sujan wants to finish with school, she wants to become a doctor.

Thank you, Kristin, for supporting a full year’s tuition for Sujan. Every day that Sujan comes to school takes her closer to success in life.

Thank you, Shawna, for donating two sets of school uniforms, including winter wear and shoes to Sujan. Her new clothes are an added incentive for her to continue going to school.

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