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Richa, a young leader!

Richa Pal
Dear Max,

Richa is 11 years old from the village of Dugrau, and she is currently in class 5. Her father has passed away, and her mother, Maya Devi, is a housewife. Richa has two brothers and three sisters who all live in a three room house that has a working toilet and a hand pump for water but no electricity. Also, her family owns two cows and three buffalo which provide them with milk, and the buffalo provide them with a source of labor.

Richa is a bright young leader in her class because she wants to learn and challenge conventions. Every day, Richa comes to school on her bicycle along with her friends from her village. When Richa is in school, one of her favorite subjects is math; she loves to solve problems with equations and the answers it gives her. Math will help Richa along her journey to becoming an engineer after graduation! Richa likes school because she can learn how to play more educational activities, and she loves to read both English and Hindi books. When class is outside, Richa’s favorite sport is cricket. Richa loves cricket so much that she will even play with the older girls! After school is out, sometimes Richa gets herself a samosa, a pastry like snack shaped like a triangle filled with potatoes, peas, and spices, for 5 rupees because that is her favorite snack. At home, Richa helps out her mom with cleaning pots; her mother is very serious about Richa’s educations so academics are always first!

Thank you so much Max for donating a set of school uniforms to Richa. Every day that Richa comes to school is another day that is promised for her success in life.


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