This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Munesh can now get to school in 45 minutes


Dear Phyllis,


Fifteen year old Munesh lives in the village of Nagla Gangapur, and she is currently in class 10B. Her father, Bheem, is a farmer, and her mother, Krishna, is a housewife. Munesh’s father has an 8th class education while her mother has none. Munesh has seven sisters and one brother who all live in a three room house; her family has no toilet or electricity, but they do have a hand pump for water. Also, her family has one cow, two buffalo, and one goat which all provides milk for her family, and the buffalo provide a source of labor.

Munesh is a very smart girl who is serious about her studies. Her favorite subject is English in which she practices all the time especially when a new volunteer is here! Munesh is always one of the first students to come up and talk with them. After Munesh graduates, she wants to become an English teacher! Also, she loves to sing and play volleyball when she gets the chance.

In PPES, there is a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. Since Munesh has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Munesh only has to ride 45 minutes instead of an hour and a half that it might take if she has to walk!

Thank you so much, Phyllis, for supporting Munesh in your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school! Thank you again!

Thank you also, Belinda, for donating two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes, socks and shoes to Sharda. She takes great pride in her appearance, and will keep them spotlessly clean.


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