This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sharda plans to join the police force


Dear Phyllis,


Sharda is 15 years old from the village of Deeppur, and she is currently in class 10A. Her father, Pahalad, is a milkman, and her mother, Mulo, is a housewife. Sharda’s father has a 10th class education while her mother has a 5th class education. Sharda has three sisters and one brother who all live in a three room house; her family has a toilet and a hand pump for water, but they do not have electricity. Also, her family owns five buffalo which are used for milk and a source of labor.

Sharda is a very intelligent girl, and before she joined the school run by Pardada Pardadi, she was enrolled in a private school in  Jhanghirabad. Sharda likes this school more because she is challenged in class thus learning a lot. Although she has only been her for a short while, Sharda has made her presence known as one of the smartest girls in class 10. She is very good at English and doesn’t hesitate to talk to volunteers or visitors at the school. When Sharda finishes school, she wants to join the police force!

In PPES, there is a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. Since Sharda has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Sharda lives across the Ganges River from school, and rides her bicycle 8 kilometers to and from school every day!! Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Sharda only has to ride 45 minutes instead of an hour and a half that it might take from walking!

Thank you so much, Phyllis, for supporting Sharda through your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school! Thank you again!

Sharda has also been donated two sets of school uniforms, and one full year of Computer education and spoken English classes.


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Give $58 » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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