This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rahila Wants To Support Her Family!

Rahila Sultana
Dear Belinda,

Rahila is 10 years old from the village of Khalour, and she is currently in class 5. Her father, Charan, is a farmer, and her mother, Rekha, is a housewife or laborer; both of her parents are uneducated. Rahila has two brothers and one sister who all live in a two room house that has a toilet and a hand pump for water but no electricity. Her family owns one buffalo which is used for labor and milk and one goat.

Every morning, Rahila comes to school by foot along with her friends from school. When Rahila is at school, her favorite subjects are math and English; she loves practicing her English with teachers and even volunteers when she gets the chance. Also, when there is activity time during school, she loves to draw. Rahile loves school because she can read and play here, plus the food that she gets everyday is delicious. Every Saturday at school, Rahila is given one of her favorite sweets at Pardada Pardadi for lunch, and it is called jalebi. It is orange sugar syrup deep fried and it is very sticky, but many of the girls love this sweet! After school or sometimes on Sunday, she gets toffee has a snack which has a taste of peanut brittle. When Rahila is at home, she helps her sister work in the home with cleaning and cooking. Rahila’s dream is to become a teacher like her mother, and she knows that her future depends on her education at Pardada Pardadi.

Thank you so much, Belinda, for donating a set of two school uniforms to Rahila. This will motivate her to keep coming to school, and every day that she attends school is another day that is promised for her success in life.


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