This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Asma is looking forward to becoming economically independent

Dear Henry,

Seventeen year old Asma hails from the village of Karanpur in Uttar Pradesh in a one room house without electricity, or toilet facilities. Her father, Saddik, who passed away recently was a daily laborer, and her mother, Muntiyajan, is a housewife. She has three brothers. The family faces considerable financial hardship, and Asma is feeling the pressure to shoulder some of the economic burden.

Asma has studied upto grade 8, but she now wants to concentrate on getting trained in a vocation, so she can start earning money. Your donation, Henry, would enable Pardada Pardadi to train Asma in Advanced Tailoring Techniques, and help her find a good job on completion of the course. Asma is confident of earning at least $ 100 per month once she completes the course. This money will come in very useful in meeting the household expenses, and will ensure that Asma has an audible voice in the community.

Thank you for helping Asma find her place in life.

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