This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Shivani’s ready to reach for the stars

Dear Ajay,

Nineteen year old Shivani hails from the village of Garhara, and she is currently in class 10B at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Virendra, is a farmer, and her mother, Rajkumari, is a housewife. Shivani has two brothers, and they all live in a four room house, which has water and sanitation facilities but no electricity.

Shivani is an extremely smart and vivacious girl. Her English is very good; she came first in her English exams in 8th class, and when she was in class 7, she was top of her class overall. Furthermore, Shivani is very active in school activities, and recently participated in a theatre group, performing a short play in Delhi.

Her favorite subject is English, and ever since computer classes were introduced, that is becoming her favourite too. Shivani loves to draw pictures using the program, Paint, and she is becoming proficient at typing. She loves her spoken English classes and is already becoming quite a chatterbox.

Since both of her parents are educated, they support her decision to go to Delhi for further studies. Thanks to your donation, Ajay, Shivani will now be able to hone her skill on the computer, and brush up on spoken English. Your donation will also provide classes in Personality Development, which will enable Shivani is able to become confident and sure of herself. No matter what is thrown her way, Shivani is will able to handle it with maturity and self- respect.

Thank you, Ajay, for helping Shivani break away from her traditional background, and grasping for the stars!


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