This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Shivani can attend school without difficulty

Dear James,

Nineteen year old Shivani lives in the village of Garhara, and she is currently in class 10B in the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Virendra, is a farmer, and her mother, Rajkumari, is a housewife; Shivani’s father has a M.A. degree while her mother has a class 10 education. Shivani has two brothers, and they all live in a four room house; her family has a toilet and a hand pump for water, but they do not have electricity. Also, her family owns two buffalo which is used for milk and a source of labor.

Shivani is an extremely smart and vivacious girl. Her favorite subject is English, but she loves computer classes too. Also, Shivani likes to draw pictures in the program, Paint, and she practices typing often and improves quickly. Shivani’s English is very good; she came first in her English exams in 8th class, and when she was in class 7, she was top of her class overall. Furthermore, Shivani is very active in school activities, and recently participated in a theatre group, performing a short play in Delhi. Since both of her parents are educated, there was no question about sending and supporting their children in school. After graduating, she hopes to attend college in Delhi and eventually become an English teacher.

Your donation, James, enabled Pardada Pardadi to give a bicycle to Shivani. Since Shivani has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Shivani only has to ride 30 minutes instead of an hour or an hour and a half that it might take from walking!

Thank you so much, James, for supporting Shivani!


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