This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Poonam is determined to do well in school

Poonam Kumari
Dear Jeff and Tricia,


Poonam Kumari is 14 years old, and studies in grade 9 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Uttar Pradesh. She lives in the village of Torai, with her parents, three sisters and one brother. Her father, Totaram Singh, is a farmer and her mother, Rajesh, is house wife. Her father has a grade 10 education, but her mother has none.

Poonam is a bright girl who came second in her class in last year’s exams.  Poonam likes to make jokes and make other people laugh – she’s always smiling.  She enjoys playing cricket and her favorite subject is English.  When she finishes school Poonam wants to join the police because she likes their uniform.  Her favorite thing about school is learning how to use the computers in the computer lab.

Thank you, Jeff and Tricia, for donating a set of school uniforms to Poonam. Your gift also includes a set of warm clothes, a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks. Wearing the uniform gives Poonam an additional sense of dignity and pride, and helps her to fight for her right to an education.

Thank you for supporting Poonam.

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