This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Neeshu loves reading, and her new school uniforms

Neeshu Sharma
Dear Aparajita,

Neeshu is ten years old and is a resident of Tooli in rural Uttar Pradesh. She is studying in grade 5 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Anoopshahar. Her father, Ajay, is a laborer, and her mother, Mamta, is a housewife and tailor; both of her parents are uneducated. She has one brother and two sisters who all live in a one room house.

Neeshu’s attitude towards school is great! Every day she is excited to get on the school bus and come to school, where her favorite subject is English. Neeshu likes to read her a lot since she has the access to tons of books; she reads a lot because she wants to be educated enough to get a job as a teacher and help support her family. After school, sometimes Neeshu will get a samosa, a pastry like snack shaped like a triangle filled with potatoes, peas, and spices, for 5 rupees or a piece of barfi which is her favorite sweet. Barfi is a milk based sweet which is perfect for the summer because it is not sticky and doesn’t melt. At home, Neeshu helps her mom is preparing food and cleaning.

Thank you so much, Aparajita, for donating a set of two school uniforms to Neeshu. Every day that Neeshu comes to school is another day that is promised for her success in life.


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