This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

A school dropout, Sarjeeti will soon be economically independent

Sixteen year old, Sarjeeti lives in the village of Torai in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Mahendra Singh  is farmer, and her mother, Harpyari, is a housewife. She has two brothers and five sisters. She dropped out of school after grade 5 because of family compulsions.

She however, wanted to become financially independent, because she realized that she would have a say in her future only if she was able to contribute to the family income. Without much education, and with no training, there was, however, little that Sarjeeti could do to earn money.

Your doantions, Katelyn (x2), James (x2) and Fawn (x2), will enable Sarjeeti to go through a six month vocational training course. This course, which will be conducted by Pardada Pardadi, will train her in tailoring, and will guarantee that she will get a job at the end of the course.

Thank you, Katelyn, James and Fawn, for giving hope to Sarjeeti. She likes to play Volleyball  and read books whenever she can get her hands on them.

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