This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Priya wants to become a doctor

Dear Paavnee, Vikram, Aparajita, Eric, Nischal, Christine, and Sara,

Priya is 7 years old, and hails from the village of Khalor in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Pramod, is a laborer, and her mother, Rama, is a housewife. Priya lives in a 4 room house that has a toilet, hand pump for water, and electricity. Priya is one of the luckier students because many of her fellow students do not have as much. After school, Priya helps out her mother by doing some housework includes cleaning the pots before and after cooking.

Priya is a very intelligent girl and is enrolled in grade 2 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in Uttar Pradesh. She comes to school regularly by one of the school buses that are provided for her by the school. Her favorite subject is English, which she practices on all the volunteers that come to the school. Even though Priya is shy to start with, once she opens up, she becomes quite a chatterbox.

In Priya’s class, there is a period during the day in which the students can play games, and one of her favorite games is called kho-kho. Kho-kho is designed around the concept of chase and tag which all the girls love to play it. Every Saturday at school, Priya is given one of her favorite sweets at Pardada Pardadi for lunch, and it is called jalebi. It is orange sugar syrup deep fried and it is very sticky, but many of the girls love this sweet! Her family is very devoted to her education, and so is Priya; she loves coming to school every day. As of right now, she wants to become a doctor.

Thank you, Paavnee, Vikram, Aparajita, Christine, Nischal (x2), Eric and Sara (x5) for coming together to provide an entire year of tuition for Priya. Every day that Priya comes to school is another day that is promised for her success in life.


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