This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Varsha is a Hard Worker at School!

Varsha Singh
Dear Alka,

Eleven year old Varsha lives in the village of Dungra Jaat, and she is currently in grade 5. Her mother, Mokam, is a farmer, and her mother, Babita, is a housewife; her father is educated but her mother has none. Varsha has one brother and one sister.

Varsha works hard in school and it pays off for her. Every morning she gets to school by the school bus that is provided for her by Pardada Pardadi. At school, her favorite subjects are English and math; one can see her practicing both her English and math on her break times or with teachers and friends. Her hard work and dedication is needed if she is to be an engineer! During activity time, Varsha loves to dance and many of her friends say that she is a great dancer. Varsha likes school because she gets to read, and she also likes the food that is served her. After school, sometimes Varsha will get a samosa, a pastry like snack shaped like a triangle filled with potatoes, peas, and spices, for Rs. 5 (20 cents) or a piece of barfi which is her favorite sweet. Barfi is a milk based sweet which is perfect for the summer because it is not sticky or it doesn’t melt. At home, Varsha helps her mother clean the pots.

Thank you so much, Alka, for donating a set of two school uniforms to Varsha. Every day that Varsha comes to school is another day that is promised for her success in life.



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