This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Roopkala will not have to drop out of school

Roopkala is 14 years old and hails from the villageĀ  of Malakpur. She is currently in grade 8. Her father, Prakash, is a farmer and her mother, Siya, is a house wife. She has five sisters and two brothers. Her family lives in a house without electricity or a toilet, but which does have a hand pump. They also have two buffalos which are mused for milk and as a source of labor.

Roopkala lives with her Aunty and Uncle and cousin in Malakpur village. Her parents and siblings live in another village and she sees them about once a month. She stays in Malakpur because it is closer to Pardada Pardadi than her parent’s village. Her Aunty and Uncle’s home has only one room but houses eight people. Both before and after school she helps her cousin Krishna prepare the meals for the family. She also does other jobs around the house like washing the pots and cleaning the house.

Roopkala is more interested in learning vocational skills than studying academic subjects and would eventually like to find a job that which will utilize the vocational skills she learns at Pardada Pardadi. She loves singing and dancing and listens to an old transistor radio.

Roopkala’s parents were contemplating pullling her out of school because they did not think it safe for a girl to walk to school. Your donation of a bicycle, Bellevue Rotary, will ensure thatĀ  Roopkala continues attending school. Thanks to your generosity, Roopkala will soon be an earning member in her family, and will have a greater voice in determining her future.

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Give $58 » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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