This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Krishna loves music and music lessons

Krishna is a sixteen year old girl who lives in the village of Malakpur, with her parents, five sisters and one brother. The entire family lives in a two room house which doesn’t have toilets, but which has electricity and water.

Krishna studies in grade 9 in the free school run by Pardada Pardadi. She loves music, both listening to it and learning it.  Although she loves her music class, her favorite thing about school is learning vocational skills.  She’s currently learning machine sewing and she also loves machine embroidery.

Though Krishna has only a few more years of school left, she is not sure of what she wants to do after graduating from school. All she knows is that she wants to have a career which will ensure that she is economically independent. She is also determined to demand that her voice is heard in all decisions that pertain to her.

Thank you, Susan for supporting Krishna’s tuition for an entire year.

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