This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Economic independence will ensure Meenu finds her voice

Twenty year old Meenu, is a resident of the village of Karanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India.Her father , Kamal Singh, is a daily wage laborer, and her mother, Shukveeri Devi, is a housewife. She has a sister and two brothers, and they all live in a one room hut.

Meenu studied in a village school, and dropped out after grade 9, because neither she nor her parents recognized the value of a formal education. However, gradually, Meenu realized that if she wanted a say in her destiny, she needed to become financially independent. She therefore, joined the vocational training course conducted by Pardada Pardadi at their school.

Meenu is learning tailoring, and has been assured of a job on completion of the six month training course. While her parents may not have allowed her to take up a job which would have involved coming in contact with men, they are happy that their daughter will be working in a workshop with other women.

Thank you, Ryan, for ensuring that Meena gets trained in tailoring. Economic empowerment will ensure that she she has greater decision making power then women in her community normally enjoy.

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