This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Preeti is a talented dancer

Dear Bellevue Rotary,

Sixteen year old Preeti resides in the village of Badpura in Uttar Pradesh.  Her father, Rajbhadure, serves in the Indian Army while her mother, Sashi Devi, is an illiterate housewife. She has three brothers. The total earnings of Preeti’s family place the six member family well below poverty line. All of  Preeti’s family lives in a  house that has a toilet, and their only source of water is through a hand pump.

Education would never have been a priority for the family, but now that she is enrolled in school, the family realizes the value of the education that Preeti is getting through Pardada Pardadi.

Preeti is gentle-natured and serious about her studies. At the same time, she also loves playing Kho-Kho, cricket and is a particularly good dancer. Her greatest ambition is to become a teacher at Pardada Pardadi, and to help support her family.

Thank you, Bellevue Rotary, for your donation of year of tuition. Your generosity will ensure that Preeti is able to attend school for a full year.


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