This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sapna will soon be economically self sufficient

Dear Bellevue Rotary,

Nineteen year old Sapna lives in the village of Shajanpur. She dropped out of school after finishing Grade 10. Her father, Surendar Sharma, is a labourer, and her mother, Mamta, is a housewife. She has one brother and five sisters, and they live in a five room house with a hand pump, but no sanitation facilities. The family also owns a buffalo which is used for milk and as a source of labor.

After completing Grade 10, Sapna has been staying at home and has been engaged in housework. She would like to start working, but her parents do not want her going too far away from home, so her options are limited, specially since she does not have any special vocational skills.

Your donation, Bellevue Rotary, will enable Sapna to attend a six-month vocational training course. At the end of the course, she will get a job with a wholesale manufacturer of clothing. This will make her economically independent, and so give her a greater say when it comes to deciding her future.

Thank you, Bellevue Rotary, for coming together to enable Sapna to become economically self-sufficient.

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