This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Gulshan can enjoy a stable future

Dear Debbie,

Nineteen year old Gulshan lives in the village of Karanpur. Her father, Imamuddin, is a laborer and her mother, Safiya, is a housewife. Gulshan’s father has completed Grade 8 in school and her mother is illiterate. She has  one sister and one brother.  The entire family  lives in a three room house which has a toilet, electricity, a hand pump for water and a buffalo that is used for milk and as a source of labor.

Gulshan  is a student of Grade 8. Along with her schooling, Gulshan, who is determined to do her bit in fighting the family’s poverty desired to gain special vocational skills to expand her opportunities for the future. Gulshan is very smart and hardwoking by nature.

Your donations, Debbie , will enable Gulshan  to attend a six-month vocational training course. At the end of the course, she will be eligible to get a job with a wholesale manufacturer of clothing. This will prepare her to be economically independent, and so give her a greater say when it comes to deciding her future.

Thank you, Debbie, for opening up the doors to a better future for Gulshan.


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