This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Beena, the go-getter

Dear Bill, Craig, Bill and Colleen, Amy, Anna, Callie, and Amie,

Beena is a 15 year old girl from the village of Shivnagla , and she is currently in class 9A. Her father, Mahaveer Singh, is a farmer and her mother, Sarupi, is a housewife. She has one brother and one sister who all live in a one room house;  Beena’s family doesn’t have a toilet, but they have a hand pump for water and electricity.

Beena is an avid learner who believes in utilising every opportunity to learn and build up her skills. She is an enthusiastic student in her computer classes as well. While some of her friends spend time playing computer games, Beena dedicates herself to learn typing. During her leisure, Beena enjoys playing football as well. In the future, Beena wants to join the police force someday!

Thank you, Bill, Craig, Bill and Colleen, Amy, Anna, Callie, and Amie, for coming together to donate two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes and shoes to Beena. Every day that Beena comes to school is another day that encourages her in her go-getter attitude.

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