This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Juli gets her own pair of wheels

Dear Carolyn,

Fifteen year old Juli lives in the village of Salmtpur in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Yatendra Pal, is a farmer, and her mother, Vimlesh Devi, is a housewife. She has four sisters and a brother.

She is a bright student and is currently studying in the school run by Pardada Pardadi Educational Society. She wants to become a computer engineer and become economically independent.

Your gift of a bicycle, Carolyn, will ensure that Juli does not face any trouble in getting to school. Many girls in rural India are forced to drop out of school, because it is not safe for girls to walk long distances, and they cannot always find someone to accompany them. Having her own bicycle will mean that Juli is not dependent on anyone and can pedal to school safely.

Thank you so much, Carolyn, for ensuring that Juli continues to get an education.


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Give $58 » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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