This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Aashita can enjoy economic freedom

Dear Rick and Michael,

Sixteen year old Aashita*, a student of  Grade 11, lives in Karanpur. Her father, Khubchand, is a shopkeeper and her mother, Babmla, is a housewife. She has one sister and four brothers. When she grows up, Aashita wants to become a teacher. She loves studying and is enthusiastic about learning.

Pardada Pardadi gives girls like Aashita the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they can grow up to be economically independent by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, the school also offers these girls a job after graduation that will put their vocational skills to good use.

This will give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually have, in her village. With the money that Aashita can earn, she can help her family out financially by buying livestock or poultry that will provide them an additional income or by buying food and other necessities for the house.

Your generous donations, Rick and Michael (x5) will ensure that Aashita has a marketable skill to fall back on!

Thank you, Rick and Michael, for your generosity.

*Name changed to protect identity

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