This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Anshu wants to become a teacher

Dear Carys, Subash, KOWSILLIYA, Erik, George, Luke and Ani, Michael, James, Gillian, Lowry, and Amit,

Anshu is a student of Grade 9. Her father, Tajver, is a bus driver, while her mother, Kamlesh, is a housewife. She has one sister and one brother. Both their parents are literate. They live in a two-room house. The total earnings of the family place them well below poverty line.

Education would never have been a priority for the family, but now that she is enrolled in school, the family realizes the value of the education that Anshu is getting through Pardada Pardadi.

Anshu is sincere and nurtures dreams about her future. She is keen to study higher and become a teacher when she grows up. Her favorite subject is English. Anshu also loves playing games such as Kho-Kho and enjoys watching movies.

Thank you, Subash, KOWSILLIYA, Erik (x2), George, Luke and Ani, Michael, James (x2), Gillian, Lowry, and Amit, for your donation of year of tuition. Your generosity will ensure that Anshu is able to attend school for a full year.

Thank you too, Carys, for donating two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes and footwear to Anshu. She wears her new clothes with pride.



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