This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sabila can overcome her handicaps

Dear Carys and John,

Eleven year old Sabila is from the village of  Sunai in Uttar Pradesh, India. Her father, Chote Khan, is a  farmer and her mother is a house wife. She has three sisters and three brothers. Sabila studies in Grade 6 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her favorite subject is English. After she finishes school, Sabila wants to become a computer engineer.

Coming from the kind of background that she does, Sabila battles against several social and economic handicaps. Thanks to your donation, John, Sabila will have a computer lesson and a class on spoken English once a week for an entire year. She will also go through personality development workshops, which will ensure that she can hold her own among better educated girls.

Your donation of a set of two school uniforms, including winter clothes and footwear is much appreciated by Sabila and her family. She doesn’t have too many clothes to wear, and actually treats her school uniform as her “best set” of clothes.

Thank you, John and Carys, for your generosity.


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