This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Seema dreams of becoming a doctor

Dear Lauren, Michael, Srikanth, Cindy, Marty & Lorraine, Kandace, Brian and Malissa, and Peter and Kim,

Thank you for coming together to provide an entire year of computer classes and spoken English classes to Seema.

Thirteen year old Seema lives in Rajour, and studies in grade 7 at the high school for gifts run by Pardada Pardadi in rural Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Nabab is a farmer, and her mother, Sunita, is a housewife. She has four sisters and two brothers.

Seema wants to become a doctor, and her favourite subject is English. With your donation, she will get the computer skills that will enable her to cope with life outside her village. Thank you for enabling Seema to dream big.

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