This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Anju wants to become a math teacher

Dear Maria, Rhea, Microsoft, Tanu, James, and Microsoft,

Anju lives in the village of Veer Pur in Uttar Pradesh, India. She is in the seventh grade at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College in Anupshahr. Her father, Gunga, is a farmer, and her mother, Sharda, is a house wife. She has one sisters and three brothers.

Anju is a very intelligent, devoted student. Her favorite subjects are math and english and she wants to be a math teacher when she grows up.

Thank you, Maria, for providing Anju with a school uniform so she can continue studying at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College and pursuing her dreams!

Thank you Microsoft Employees, Tanu, James and Rhea for coming together to donate an entire year of school meals to Anju.


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