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Deepjyoti wants to become a doctor

Dear Ioana & Radu,

Thirteen year old Deepjyoti* studies in Grade 7 at Pardada Pardadi intercollege in India. Her father is a laborer and her mother is a housewife. Deepjyoti has one brother and one sister. Though their family is not large, it is hard for Deepjyoti’s father to support an entire family on his one salary.

Pardada Pardadi is an organization that empowers young women and enables them to attend school. However, Deepjyoti lives in the village of Torai which is far away from the school. Pardada Pardadi provides bikes for some of their students with far commutes. Deepjyoti’s favorite subject is English and when she grows up she wants to become a doctor so she can help people for a living.

Since the distance is long, Deepjyoti would have been forced to drop out of school if not for your donation of a bicycle. Now, Deepjyoti can cycle to school every day without worries of not having money for a bus or gas for a scooter.Thank you, Iona and Radu, for ensuring that Deepjyoti can continue her education with Pardada Pardadi. She can keep working towards her goal of becoming a doctor because you, Iona and Radu, cared enough to make a difference.

*Name changed to protect identity

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