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Krishna can study for her future

Dear James,

Krishna is in the 11th grade at Pardada Pardadi intercollege in Anuphsahr, India. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a housewife. She also has four brothers and one sister. Krishna is 16 and wants to become a policewoman when she finishes school.

Because Krishna’s family has so little income, her parents cannot afford to send her to school without external aid. Pardada Pardadi works toward women empowerment and education in India because girls, especially in rural areas, are often neglected.

Because of societal norms in India, families that cannot afford to send all of their children to school often send only the boys. Men have a higher value in society and are supposed to fund the family while the women stay at home. Thank you, James, for enabling Krishna to finish her education so she can pursue her goals. She is extremely grateful for this opportunity you enabled Pardada Pardadi to give her. Thank you, again, James, for making a difference in Krishna’s life.

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