This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rajesh can train for a career

Dear Erica,

Rajesh is 18 years old and lives in Faajpura, India. Her father is a farmer and her mother stays at home to take care of Rajesh’s five siblings. Rajesh did not want to submit to the societal norms of rural India that expect women to stay at home and house keep.

Luckily, Pardada Pardadi acts as an outlet for women with such determination. This organization offers vocational training and education for women seeking work instead of marriage.

With your support, Erica, Pardada Pardadi can provide Rajesh with six months of vocational training. Despite Rajesh’s high school education, she would have struggled immensely without additional training. Thank you, Erica, for supporting Rajesh in her mission to better her life.

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