This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Rakhi wants to be a doctor

Dear Katie,

Rakhi is 11 years old and is in the 7th grade at Pardada Pardadi intercollege. Her father is the sole provider for the family and works as a farmer. She has two brothers and her mom is a housewife. Sadly, Rakhi§s family cannot financially support her enough to pay for her school materials.

Luckily, Pardada Pardadi strives to prevent situations like Rakhi§s. Pardada Pardadi believes all young women should have the same ability to attend school as their brothers do. Because of your support for Pardada Pardadi, the organization was able to provide Rakhi with a school uniform so she could attend school without causing a burden for her parents.

Rakhi loves English and hopes to become a doctor. Without your help, Katie, she would not be able to continue her education. Now, Rakhi happily attends school daily in preparation for her future. Thank you, Katie, for helping Rakhi and her family.

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