This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Dimpal wants to be a designer

Dear Gaurav, Venkateswara, Rhea, Manish, Sivan, and Partha,

Dimpal is a 16 year old student at the Pardada Pardadi inter college in Anupshahr, India. She is in the seventh grade and lives with her family in the countryside. Dimpal’s father is a farmer while her mother stays at home to take care of Dimpal and her two siblings. Families that have very little income to cover basic necessities often send their children to work instead of to school so they can support their family.

Pardada Pardadi provides free education and school meals for children like Dimpal as incentive to keep them in school and out of child labor. Dimpal’s parents are inclined to send her to school because she receives the daily lunches that you fund for her. Without this addition to her education, Dimpal and students in her situation would more likely work instead of attend school.

Thanks to your donations, Gaurav, Venkateswara, Rhea, Manish, Sivan, and Partha, Dimpal receives a balanced meal every day at school. Dimpal loves to draw and hopes to one day be a designer. Without your help, her dreams would be clouded by more prevalent issues like hunger and education. Thanks again for your support.

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