This impact story was published by Pardada Pardadi. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Gudiya wants to be a teacher

Dear Dale Brian,

Gudiya is 8 years old and in the fifth grade. She studies in Anoopshahr, India at one of the Pardada Pardadi schools. Her father is a technician and her mother is a housewife. She has two sisters and two brothers as well.

Because her parents have a minimal income for a large family, they cannot afford to send Gudiya to school. Pardada Pardadi works to prevent cases like Gudiya’s by finding external support from caring people like you, Dale.

Pardada Pardadi provides free education and school meals for children like Gudiya as incentive to keep them in school and out of child labor. Thank you, Dale, for supporting a year of Gudiya’s education. Because of your generosity, she can pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.

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