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Chhaya wants to be a teacher

Dear Cindy,

Thank you for providing a year of tuition to a student at the Parada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES) in Uttar Pradesh, India. Illiteracy among girls in India is widespread. 70% of the children who are not enrolled in school are girls. Pardada Pardadi provides free education for its students, including vocational training, textbooks, meals, and supplies.

Thirteen year old Chhaya* is a seventh grader at PPES. Her father, Tarachand, is a laborer and her mother, Bhawati Devi, is a housewife. Chhaya has one sister and one brother. Chhaya’s favorite subject is Hindi and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

Thank you, Cindy, for providing an entire year of computer training and spoken English classes to Chhaya. This will give her the much needed confidence to seek a job outside the village where she has grown up.

Because of your generosity, Cindy, Chhaya is on the road to economic and social independence.

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