Anita is a bright student who wants to become a teacher

Anita is 13 years old and lives in Feathpur in rural Uttar Pradesh. She studies in grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Achal Singh, is a farmer and her mother, Shakuntla, is a housewife. Anita has two sister and two brother.

Anita is a very laborious girl. She is a good player of the game “carrom” and badminton. She is an extra ordinary girl. She likes Machine Hand Embroidery work. After completing her higher education she wants to become a good teacher. She is a bright student, and is confident of doing something with her life.

Thank you, Adrian, for donating a set of school uniforms to Anita. This will further incentivize her to come to school.

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Anshu wants to join the police force

Anshu Kumari is 15 years old and lives in the village of Makhena in a two room hut without electricity and adequate sanitation, but with water. Her father, Bhagban Das, is a farmer and her mother, Harveri Davi, is a house wife, and she has six sisters and one brother. Anshu studies in grade 9 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi.

Anshu’s favorite class is English.  All of her sisters also attend school.  Her parents have taken action to keep all the girls in school, giving them opportunities they themselves never had.  Anshu’s father only attended school until the 5th class and her mother never went at all.  After she finishes school Anshu would like to join the police force in a nearby town called Dibai.

Thank you, Mike and Suzanne, for supporting Anshu in your donation of a new uniform!Also her family owns one cow and two buffalo which is used for milk and a source of labor.

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Chanchal is a budding doctor

profile pics by ml 069
Chanchal  Kumari is 14 years old and lives in the village of Anoopshahr in Uttar Pradesh, in a two room house without electricity, water or sanitation facilities. Her father, Subash, is a farmer and her mother, Guddi Devi is a housewife. She has two brothers and two sisters.

Chanchal is in grade 8, and likes to play sports at school, especially baseball.  She loves studying English and wants to become a doctor when she grows up. Her parents are determined to give her a good education, but they realize that a girl from rural India faces many disadvantages when looking for a job, because she cannot speak English and doesn’t know how to conduct herself in an alien environment.

The donation from Bellevue Rotary will be used to provide computer classes and spoken English classes for an entire year. In addition, Chanchal will also get to attend workshops on personality development and be taught basic social skills. This will go a long way in ensuring that Chanchal gets a job that is commensurate with her qualifications.

Thank you for supporting Chanchal.

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Harshita loves playing baseball

Harishita  Kumari is a 13 year old girl who lives in the village of Anoopshahar with her parents and three sisters. Her father, Aanand Tomar, is a driver, and her mother, Seema Devi, is a housewife. Since they do not own a house, they live in a rented two room house without electricity, water or sanitation facilities.

Harshita is in grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi.  Her favorite subject is English and she likes learning vocational work also. Harishita likes to play sports at school, especially baseball.

Unlike many other families, Harshita’s parents are very supportive of her ambitions, and have vowed to do all they can to ensure that Harshita and her sisters get a good education, so they get all the opportunities they themselves were denied in life. Harshita’s ambition is to be a doctor.

She, however, realizes that to become a doctor, it is not enough that she get good grades. She needs to acquire skills that are not easily available to girls from rural backgrounds. She needs to be proficient in the usage of computers, and should be able to speak good English, and conduct herself in an appropriate manner.

Your donations, Margo, Erik (x2), Peter and Kim, Tom (x4), Brooke and Nick (x2), Judith and Steve, will ensure that Harshita gets to practice her skills on the computer every week, and attends spoken English classes. This will go a long way in giving her the tools that would help her succeed in life.

Thank you for your support.

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Anjali will do anything to protect her mother from domestic abuse

profile pics by ml 073
Fourteen year old Anjali  Kumari lives in the village of Durga jat and studies in grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Rajkumar, is a farmer and her mother, Babita Davi, is a housewife. Anjali does not have peaceful existence at home- her father drinks very often and indulges in domestic violence. Anjali wishes she could save her mother from domestic abuse, but she is helpless in doing so. She wants to get a good job, so she can ensure her father treats her mother better.

Girls like Anjali do not have the basic skills that enable them to get a good job. Even if they have academic credentials, they lose out in the job market, because of poor computer and communication skills. Your donation, Bellevue Rotary, will enable Pardada Pardadi to offer an entire year of spoken English and Computer Education classes to Anjali. This will help her tremendously in getting a good job.

Thank you for giving Anjali the opportunities that have been denied to the women in her family for generations.

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Shilpi will soon have a job

Seventeen year old Shilpi  lives in the village of Achalpur in Uttar Pradesh. She was a student at the high school run by Pardada Pardadi, and after completing high school, was not allowed to study further, or take up a regular job. Her family comprises of her father, Suresh Chand who is a farmer, her mother, Vimlesh who is a housewife and three brothers. They live in a three bedroom house.

Shilpi is financially dependent on her father, and like most girls in rural India does not have a say in the affairs of the family. Your donation, Bellevue Rotary, will enable Pardada Pardadi to offer a six month vocational training course to Shilpi, at the end of which she would be guaranteed a job in an all female environment, where she will be allowed to work. This would give her financial independence, she a greater say in her future.

Thank you for your generosity.

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Poonam hopes to be economically independent soon

Eighteen year old Poonam hails from the village of Achalpur in Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Bhagwan Das, is laborer, and her mother, Chandrawati , is a housewife. She has two brothers and two sisters all of whom live in a three room house, which has electricity, but no running water, or toilets.

Like most girls from rural India, she was forced to drop out of school after completing grade 5. She helps her mother around the house, and has no say in deciding her future. She has kept in touch with the teachers in her school, and when she was offered the option of learning a vocational skill she grabbed the opportunity. Your donation, Bellevue Rotary, enabled Pardada Pardadi to provide training to her for six months free of cost. At the end of the course she will be assured a job in garment manufacturing, and the financial independence will go a long way in she being able to stand up for her rights at home.

Thank you, Bellevue Rotary, for giving Poonam a voice. In her spare time, she likes to play kho- kho and she often borrows books from the school library for reading at home.

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Kajal dreams of becoming a police officer

Kajal Lodhi
Dear Bellevue Rotary,

Kajal is 12 years old from the village of Karanpur, and she is currently in class 5. Her father, Rahul, is a farmer, and her mother Shanti, is a housewife; both of them are uneducated. Kajal has three sisters and two brothers who all live in a one room without a toilet and electricity, but her family do have a hand pump for water. Her family owns no buffalos which could provide them with milk or a source of labor.

Kajal is a very intelligent girl who is a regular student at school. She comes to school every day by walking with her friends from her village. When Kajal is at school, one of her favorite subjects is English; she loves practicing with teachers and volunteers. During the day, the students get time to do activities, and one of Kajal’s favorite activities is to draw. Also, Kajal cannot wait to start learning about computers when she gets into high school next year; this is one of the reasons why Kajal loves school so much because she has the opportunity to learn about them! Kajal’s dream one day is to become a police officer to help better India. After school, Kajal loves sharing a bag of chips with friends. At home, Kajal helps her mother by cleaning pots.

Thank you, Bellevue Rotary for supporting Kajal’s tuition for an entire year. Your donation would also cover school supplies and stationary. Every day that Kajal comes to school is another day that is promised for her success in life.




Give this gift » Provide a year of free education to a girl from rural India!

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Roopkala will not have to drop out of school

Roopkala is 14 years old and hails from the village  of Malakpur. She is currently in grade 8. Her father, Prakash, is a farmer and her mother, Siya, is a house wife. She has five sisters and two brothers. Her family lives in a house without electricity or a toilet, but which does have a hand pump. They also have two buffalos which are mused for milk and as a source of labor.

Roopkala lives with her Aunty and Uncle and cousin in Malakpur village. Her parents and siblings live in another village and she sees them about once a month. She stays in Malakpur because it is closer to Pardada Pardadi than her parent’s village. Her Aunty and Uncle’s home has only one room but houses eight people. Both before and after school she helps her cousin Krishna prepare the meals for the family. She also does other jobs around the house like washing the pots and cleaning the house.

Roopkala is more interested in learning vocational skills than studying academic subjects and would eventually like to find a job that which will utilize the vocational skills she learns at Pardada Pardadi. She loves singing and dancing and listens to an old transistor radio.

Roopkala’s parents were contemplating pullling her out of school because they did not think it safe for a girl to walk to school. Your donation of a bicycle, Bellevue Rotary, will ensure that  Roopkala continues attending school. Thanks to your generosity, Roopkala will soon be an earning member in her family, and will have a greater voice in determining her future.

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Kavita will remain safe while coming to school

Fourteen year old Kavita hails from the village Karkora and she is currently in grade 8. Her father, Bhura Singh, is a farmer and her mother, Chandervati, is a housewife. Neither parent is literate. Kavita lives with her family comprising of her parents, two sisters and a brother in a two room house with a toilet and electricity, but no hand pump. The family owns one cow and two buffalos.

Kavita is a very good singer. Her favourite subject is English. She likes singing and dancing. She is also a good dancer. She wants to become a good doctor. She is a good player of kho-kho. She takes part all the school’s activities.

Kavita’s village is more than 6 miles away from school, and because of the distance, she would have been compelled to drop out of school. However, because of your donation of a bicycle, she can now cycle to school and back. Thank you, Bellevue Rotary, for ensuring that Kavita remains safe, while continuing to attend school.

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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