Anshu loves her new uniform

Dear Felix,

Twelve year old Anshu is a resident of Badpura, and is studying in grade 8 at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in rural Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Tajvir, is a bus driver and her mother, Kamlesh, is a housewife. She has one sister and one brother, and lives in a house which doesn’t have electricity or a toilet. The family owns two buffalos which are used both to provide milk and as a source of labor.

Anshu is an intelligent girl in her class .She is very sincere her work. Her favourite subject is English. Her parents are literate, and support her in her desire to complete a higher education and becoming a teacher. She likes to play kho-kho.

Felix, Anshu much appreciates your gift of a set of two school uniforms, shoes, socks and winter clothes. This will ensure that she comes to school regularly.

Thank you, Felix, for supporting Anshu.

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Shivani can attend school without difficulty

Dear James,

Nineteen year old Shivani lives in the village of Garhara, and she is currently in class 10B in the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Virendra, is a farmer, and her mother, Rajkumari, is a housewife; Shivani’s father has a M.A. degree while her mother has a class 10 education. Shivani has two brothers, and they all live in a four room house; her family has a toilet and a hand pump for water, but they do not have electricity. Also, her family owns two buffalo which is used for milk and a source of labor.

Shivani is an extremely smart and vivacious girl. Her favorite subject is English, but she loves computer classes too. Also, Shivani likes to draw pictures in the program, Paint, and she practices typing often and improves quickly. Shivani’s English is very good; she came first in her English exams in 8th class, and when she was in class 7, she was top of her class overall. Furthermore, Shivani is very active in school activities, and recently participated in a theatre group, performing a short play in Delhi. Since both of her parents are educated, there was no question about sending and supporting their children in school. After graduating, she hopes to attend college in Delhi and eventually become an English teacher.

Your donation, James, enabled Pardada Pardadi to give a bicycle to Shivani. Since Shivani has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Shivani only has to ride 30 minutes instead of an hour or an hour and a half that it might take from walking!

Thank you so much, James, for supporting Shivani!


Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Rashmi loves cycling to school

Rashmi Kumari
Dear Karen,

Fifteen year old Rashmi lives in the village of Torai, and she is currently in class 10B at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Subhash, is a doctor, and her mother, Rajwati, is a housewife; Rashmi’s father has a class 10 education while her mother has none. Rashmi has two sisters and two brothers who all live in a four room house; her family has a toilet, hand pump for water, and electricity. Also, her family has one cow and four buffalo which all provide milk, and the buffalo are a source of labor too.

Rashmi is a very intelligent girl, coming second in her class last year. When she was in class 8, she was the only girl to get 1st division in every subject. By this, one can tell Rashmi is very dedicated to her students, always does her work, and pays attention in class. However, when Rashmi is not in class she loves to play cricket which is her favorite sport. After she graduates, Rashmi would like to become a doctor.

At Pardada Pardadi, there is a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to0 far away to walk to school.

Your donation, Karen, enabled Pardada Pardadi to give Rashmi a bicycle. Since Rashmi has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Rashmi only has to ride 30 minutes instead of an hour or an hour and a half that it might take from walking!

Thank you so much, Karen, for supporting Rashmi!


Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Aysha dreams of teaching her own class

Dear Garance, Elizabeth, Laura, Tom, Mike and Suzanne, Tom, Michael, and Peter and Kim,

Eleven year old Aysha lives in the village of Lachhampur in rural Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Sajid Khan, is a laborer and her mother, Kharunnisha, is a housewife. Both her parents are illiterate, and she has three brothers. Aysha’s family lives in a house that has electricity, but no toilet or hand pump.

Aysha’s favorite subject is English, and she also likes hand embroidery work.  She likes to play cricket. She likes singing and dancing. She is a simple girl.Her aim is to be a great teacher. She likes Pardada Pardadi School very much.

Your donations of a month of tuition each, Garance, Ellizabeth, Laura, Tom, Mike and Suzanne (x3), Tom (x2), Michael, and Peter and Kim (x2), will ensure that Aysha is able to stay in school for an additional year.

Thank you so much for coming together to support  Aysha!

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Rukshar is confident of becoming a police officer

Fourteen year old Ruksar is a student at the school run by Pardada Pardadi in rural Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Islam, is a farmer and her mother, Rukshana, is a house wife. Her father is literate, but her mother is not. She has one brother and four sistersa dn lives in a single room house.

Ruksar is a very hardworking and sincere girl. Her favourite subject is Mathematics, and she loves playing Kho Kho. She also likes reading stories.

Rukshar is very keen on joining the Police Force after she completes her education. While she is bright enough to be able to clear the written examinations, she realizes that a simple village girl like her may not have the other skills to join the force.

Your generous donations, Elizabeth, Nicky, Benjamin, Megan (x4) and James (x5), will enable Pardada Pardadi to provide computer education and spoken English classes to Rukshar for a full year. She will be given time to work on the computers, so she is familiar with them. She will also have volunteers teach her conversational English, and guide her on how to conduct herself.

Thank you for helping Rukshar become more self confident, and thereby bring her closer to achieving her ambitions.

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Shivani’s ready to reach for the stars

Dear Ajay,

Nineteen year old Shivani hails from the village of Garhara, and she is currently in class 10B at the school run by Pardada Pardadi. Her father, Virendra, is a farmer, and her mother, Rajkumari, is a housewife. Shivani has two brothers, and they all live in a four room house, which has water and sanitation facilities but no electricity.

Shivani is an extremely smart and vivacious girl. Her English is very good; she came first in her English exams in 8th class, and when she was in class 7, she was top of her class overall. Furthermore, Shivani is very active in school activities, and recently participated in a theatre group, performing a short play in Delhi.

Her favorite subject is English, and ever since computer classes were introduced, that is becoming her favourite too. Shivani loves to draw pictures using the program, Paint, and she is becoming proficient at typing. She loves her spoken English classes and is already becoming quite a chatterbox.

Since both of her parents are educated, they support her decision to go to Delhi for further studies. Thanks to your donation, Ajay, Shivani will now be able to hone her skill on the computer, and brush up on spoken English. Your donation will also provide classes in Personality Development, which will enable Shivani is able to become confident and sure of herself. No matter what is thrown her way, Shivani is will able to handle it with maturity and self- respect.

Thank you, Ajay, for helping Shivani break away from her traditional background, and grasping for the stars!


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Asma is looking forward to becoming economically independent

Dear Henry,

Seventeen year old Asma hails from the village of Karanpur in Uttar Pradesh in a one room house without electricity, or toilet facilities. Her father, Saddik, who passed away recently was a daily laborer, and her mother, Muntiyajan, is a housewife. She has three brothers. The family faces considerable financial hardship, and Asma is feeling the pressure to shoulder some of the economic burden.

Asma has studied upto grade 8, but she now wants to concentrate on getting trained in a vocation, so she can start earning money. Your donation, Henry, would enable Pardada Pardadi to train Asma in Advanced Tailoring Techniques, and help her find a good job on completion of the course. Asma is confident of earning at least $ 100 per month once she completes the course. This money will come in very useful in meeting the household expenses, and will ensure that Asma has an audible voice in the community.

Thank you for helping Asma find her place in life.

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Sharda Loves Using Computers!


Dear Kelly and George,


Sharda is 15 years old from the village of Deeppur, and she is currently in class 10A. Her father, Pahalad, is a milkman, and her mother, Mulo, is a housewife; Sharda’s father has a 10th class education while her mother has a 5th class education. Sharda has three sisters and one brother who all live in a three room house; her family has a toilet and a hand pump for water, but they do not have electricity. Also, her family owns five buffalo which are used for milk and a source of labor.

Sharda is a very intelligent girl. Before being enrolled at the school run by Pardada Pardadi, Sharda attended a private school in Jhanghirabad, but Sharda likes this place better though because she is challenged in class thus learning a lot. Although she has only been her for a short while, Sharda has made her presence known as one of the smartest girls in class 10. She is very good at English and doesn§t hesitate to talk to volunteers or visitors at the school. When Sharda finishes school, she wants to join the police force!

Thank you, Kelly and George for donating six months of computer training and English speaking classes each.  Sharda can now learn to use a computer, and get to practice spoken English skills. The growing service industry in India places great emphasis on both these skills, so Sharda will get a good job when she graduates from high school. There are also classes in Personality Development, to enable Sharda  to become confident and sure of herself. No matter what is thrown her way, Sharda is will able to handle it with maturity and self- respect.  We are so proud of these girls for stepping away from their traditional backgrounds and grabbing the future with full force!

Thank you so much Kelly and George for supporting Sharda! She will love practicing her computer and English skills along with getting the self-confidence she deserves!

Incidentally, a few days back, Sharda was also given the donation of a bicycle.

Thank you also, Belinda, for donating two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes, socks and shoes to Sharda. She takes great pride in her appearance, and will keep them spotlessly clean.

Thank you.

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Rahila Wants To Support Her Family!

Rahila Sultana
Dear Belinda,

Rahila is 10 years old from the village of Khalour, and she is currently in class 5. Her father, Charan, is a farmer, and her mother, Rekha, is a housewife or laborer; both of her parents are uneducated. Rahila has two brothers and one sister who all live in a two room house that has a toilet and a hand pump for water but no electricity. Her family owns one buffalo which is used for labor and milk and one goat.

Every morning, Rahila comes to school by foot along with her friends from school. When Rahila is at school, her favorite subjects are math and English; she loves practicing her English with teachers and even volunteers when she gets the chance. Also, when there is activity time during school, she loves to draw. Rahile loves school because she can read and play here, plus the food that she gets everyday is delicious. Every Saturday at school, Rahila is given one of her favorite sweets at Pardada Pardadi for lunch, and it is called jalebi. It is orange sugar syrup deep fried and it is very sticky, but many of the girls love this sweet! After school or sometimes on Sunday, she gets toffee has a snack which has a taste of peanut brittle. When Rahila is at home, she helps her sister work in the home with cleaning and cooking. Rahila’s dream is to become a teacher like her mother, and she knows that her future depends on her education at Pardada Pardadi.

Thank you so much, Belinda, for donating a set of two school uniforms to Rahila. This will motivate her to keep coming to school, and every day that she attends school is another day that is promised for her success in life.


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Sharda plans to join the police force


Dear Phyllis,


Sharda is 15 years old from the village of Deeppur, and she is currently in class 10A. Her father, Pahalad, is a milkman, and her mother, Mulo, is a housewife. Sharda’s father has a 10th class education while her mother has a 5th class education. Sharda has three sisters and one brother who all live in a three room house; her family has a toilet and a hand pump for water, but they do not have electricity. Also, her family owns five buffalo which are used for milk and a source of labor.

Sharda is a very intelligent girl, and before she joined the school run by Pardada Pardadi, she was enrolled in a private school in  Jhanghirabad. Sharda likes this school more because she is challenged in class thus learning a lot. Although she has only been her for a short while, Sharda has made her presence known as one of the smartest girls in class 10. She is very good at English and doesn’t hesitate to talk to volunteers or visitors at the school. When Sharda finishes school, she wants to join the police force!

In PPES, there is a scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. Since Sharda has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Sharda lives across the Ganges River from school, and rides her bicycle 8 kilometers to and from school every day!! Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures safety to the girls. With the bicycle, Sharda only has to ride 45 minutes instead of an hour and a half that it might take from walking!

Thank you so much, Phyllis, for supporting Sharda through your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school! Thank you again!

Sharda has also been donated two sets of school uniforms, and one full year of Computer education and spoken English classes.


Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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