Munne has an excellent attendance record!

Munne Pal
Dear Brigid and Benjamin,

Fourteen year old Munne hails from the village of Karanpur. Her father, Dhaniram, is a farmer, and her mother, Namwati, works in the kitchen at the school that she studies in. Her father has a class nine education while her mother has up to class 5. Munne has two sisters and a brother, all of whom live in a 5 room house; they have a toilet, electricity, and a hand pump. Furthermore, they own one buffalo which allows them to have milk, and provides them an additional source of income.

Munne is a very sweet and quiet girl, and she loves to play football and study English. She is currently studying in grade 9, at the school opened by Pardada Pardadi. Her family is dedicated to the education of her and her sisters; her older and younger sisters both attended Pardada Pardadi, and her aunt is one of the first school graduates. When Munne was in class 7, her attendance was at 95% and in class 8, she has 98%! By her attendance record these past two years, one can tell that her family and Munne are dedicated to her school and education!

Munne loves her vocational skills class and is learning hand embroidery. Her school wants to give girls like Munne the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they are able to earn money by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, if she needs to earn some extra money, her school also gives these girls a job after graduation and using their vocational skills is a part of the job description. This would give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually in her village.

Your donation, Benjamin, will ensure that Munne gets vocational training for an entire year. This will help her supplement her family income while still in school.

Munne dreams of becoming an English teacher someday, but till that happens, your generous donation, Brigid, will ensure that she receives a set of two uniforms, a sweater, a pair of socks and shoes that will last her an entire academic year, thereby ensuring that she completes her education.

Benjamin and Brigid- thank you so much for supporting Munne!


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Lovely loves learning hand embroidery!

Lovely Chauhan
Dear Brigid, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne, Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn, and ADRIAN,

Seventeen year old, Lovely, hails from the village of Garhara. Her father, Omveer, is a teacher, and her mother, Kamlesh is a housewife; Lovely’s father has a class 12 education and her mother has an education up till class 10. She has two sisters and two brothers, all of whom live in a three room house; her family has a toilet, hand pump, and electricity. Furthermore, her family owns a cow which provides them with milk and an additional source of income.

Lovely comes from a family that knows the value of education. Since both her father and mother have a high education, they know that the only way Lovely can succeed in life is through studying. Furthermore, they fully support her and her studies unlike some of the parents who send their girls to school. She is currently enrolled in class 9 at a school opened by Pardada Pardadi, in her village.

Lovely loves the vocational skills class in school and enjoys her hand embroidery training very much. Her school, Pardada Pardadi wants to give girls like Lovely the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they are able to earn money by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, if she needs to earn some extra money, her school also gives these girls a job after graduation and using their vocational skills is a part of the job description. This would give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually in her village.

Your donations of a month of vocational training each, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne (x2), Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn and Adrian (x3), will enable Lovely to receive a year of vocational training in the traditional art of hand embroidery. This will help her supplement the family income even while she continues with her studies.

Your generous donation, Brigid will ensure that she receives a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks that will last her an entire academic year, thereby ensuring that gets to attend another year of school.

Thank you, Brigid, Alice and Brad, Erik, James, Mike and Suzanne, Pradeep, Peter and Kim, Jeff, Shawn and Adrian for coming together to support Lovely!


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School is now 10 minutes away for Jyoti!

Jyoti-Riding 2
Dear Laurent,

Seventeen year old, Jyoti, hails from the village of Anoopshahr. Her father, Dinesh, is a farmer with an education of 10th class, while her mother, Shashi, is a housewife but also has a 10th class education. Jyoti has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a 3 room house; her family has no toilet but they do have a hand pump for water and an electrical connection. Jyoti’s main duties at home are housework which consists of cleaning, cleaning, and helping out her sisters, brothers, and any of her family that comes over. Also, Jyoti’s family owns one buffalo which provides them milk and an additional source of income.

Jyoti is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. At school, she loves learning vocational skills and is currently learning machine sewing. In the afternoon you can find her with a tape measure around her neck because of this class! Both of Jyoti’s parents attended school, and they want to make sure that their daughter has an education as well. When she finishes school, Jyoti plans to make use of her education and become a Hindi teacher, so that she can help educate others. However, right now, Jyoti just loves to eat sweets and play cricket at school with her friends.

Her school provides scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. Since Jyoti has a bicycle, she is able to come to school more often, and it is safer for her also. Walking home in the dark is a very unsafe thing for these girls to do, so the bicycle also ensures the safety of the girls. With the bicycle, Jyoti only has to ride 10 minutes instead of the 30 minutes that it might take to walk!

Thank you so much, Laurent, for supporting Jyoti in your donation of a bicycle because this will ensure her safety coming to and from school! Thank you again!


Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Neetu is equipped with a marketable skill!

Neetu (I) Rani
Dear Laurent, UBS, Kunal, Benjamin, Cindy, and Shalini,

Thirteen year old Neetu, hails from the village of Nagla Gangapur. Her father, Shyauraj, is a farmer, and her mother, Kanti, is a housewife. Her father has a 10th class education while her mother has none. Neetu has three sisters and a brother, all of  whom live in a two room house with a toilet, hand pump, and electricity. In addition to this, her family owns two buffaloes which provides them with milk and an additional source of income.

Neetu is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. She is an attentive girl who likes to sing and dance.What she loves most about school is playing Saturday morning cricket with her friends and learning vocational skills. She loves learning hand embroidery and is an ace at it.

The school wants to give girls like Neetu the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they are able to earn money by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, if Neetu needs to earn some extra money, Pardada Pardadi also offers these girls a job after graduation and using their vocational skills is a part of the job description. This would give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than women usually have, in her village.

Your generous donations, Laurent (x3), UBS (x3), Kunal, Benjamin (x2), Cindy and Shalini (x2) will enable Pardada Pardadi to bear the cost of Neetu’s vocational training for an entire year.

Your generous donation, Laurent, will enable Pardada Pardadi to provide a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks for Neetu.

Neetu dreams of becoming an air-hostess someday so she can stand on her own feet, but till that happens, your generous donations  would ensure that she gets to attend school and has a marketable skill to fall back on!

Thank you so much, for your support!


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Rajkumari loves attending school!

Rajkumari Verma
Dear Carrie, Vidya, Sophia and Larry, Laurent, UBS, and Yannick,

Fifteen year old Rajkumari lives in the village of Manapur. Her father, Bhagwandas, is a farmer, and her mother, Harviri, is a housewife. Both her parents have no education. Rajkumari has four sisters and two brothers, all of  whom live in a two room house. They have no toilet, no hand pump in their home and use the common village pump for water, but they do have an electrical connection. Rajkumari’s main responsibility at home is to wash clothes and utensils and keep the house clean. Her family owns one cow and two buffaloes which provides them with milk and an additional source of income.

Rajkumari is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. She is a very smart girl who came 3rd in her class in last year’s exams. Her favorite subject is English and she loves to play games, especially cricket. She loves attending school and spending time with her friends.Like any high schooler, she doesn’t yet know what she wants to do when she finishes school. But, seeing her potential and quest for learning, her teachers are sure that she will achieve great heights with her education.

Pardada Pardadi has chosen to open a school in the area that Rajkumari lives, so that these girls can get an education and be equipped to be employed after they graduate. Supporting them will ensure the success of them.

Thank you so much, Carrie, Vidya, Sophia and Larry (x4), Laurent (x3) and UBS (x3) for funding Rajkumari’s tuition for an entire year! Your support will ensure that she completes her basic education!

Your donation of two sets of school uniforms, Yannick, will ensure that Rajkumari comes to school neatly dressed throughout the school year. Thanks to you, she will also have a pair of school shoes and warm clothes to see her through the winter months.


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Rekha enjoys her ride to school and back!

Dear James,

Fifteen year old, Rekha comes from the village of Mau. Her father, Shyoraj, is a farmer while her mother, Kanti, is a housewife. Her father has an 8th grade education and her mother has none. Rekha has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a two room house that has no toilet or electricity, but it does have a hand pump for water. The family owns three buffaloes which provide milk and labor, and an additional source of income.

Rekha is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. At school, she loves learning vocational skills and is currently learning machine sewing. In the afternoon you can find her with a tape measure around her neck because of this class! After graduating from Pardada Pardadi, Rekha wants to go to school to become an air hostess; she wants to have a job so that she can look after herself in the future.

Her school also provides scholarship for girls to receive bicycles. This scholarship is given to girls that are dedicated to school and who live to far away to walk. It is also an incentive for parents to send their girls to school, who generally take them out because of the long commute. With her new bicycle, it is much safer for Rekha to come to school and even commute home, later in the evening. It is very unsafe for these girls to walk back in the dark, so the bicycle also ensures the safety of the girls. It also saves much time from taveling to school and back home, as she now only has to ride 30 minutes instead of an hour and a half, that it took her to walk home.

Thank you so much, James, for supporting Rekha in your donation of a bicycle, because this will ensure that she attends school every day and also become self-reliant!

Give this gift » Gift mobility to a girl. Give her a bicycle for $58, and enable her to go to school!

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Gift of economic independence!

Dear Laurent, Susan, James, Bill and Colleen, Jeffrey, Mike and Suzanne, Katherine, and Peter and Kim,

Fifteen year old Ruksar hails from the village of Karanpur.  Her father, Akhair, is in the service field while her mother, Firdaus, is a housewife. Her father has a 12th class education and her mother has none. Ruksar comes from an extremely poor family, which includes three sisters and two brothers. They have no electricity, no toilet, and not even a hand pump. Her family gathers water at a municipal pump in her village, which is not always safe for consumption.

Ruksar is a very intelligent girl who wants to do well in life. Since she doesn’t come from a very stable family financially, she could not dream of going to school and completing her education, had it not been for Pardada Pardadi that has opened a school in the area where Ruksar lives. She is currently studying in the 10th grade here and loves attending school. Furthermore, Ruksar’s mother is highly supportive of her schooling because she knows the value of education, especially for a young girl, who has so much talent and drive.

Pardada Pardadi gives girls like Ruksar the ability to learn vocational skills, so that they can grow up to be economically independent by either opening a shop or do some tailoring on the side. Along with this, the school also offers these girls a job after graduation that will put their vocational skills to good use. This will give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than woman usually have, in her village. With the money that Ruksar can earn, she can help her family out financially by buying livestock or poultry that will provide them an additional income or by buying food and other necessities for the house.

Your generous donation, Laurent, Susan (x3), James (x2), Bill and Colleen, Jeffrey, Mike and Suzanne (x2), Kathrine and Peter and Kim will ensure that Ruksar has a marketable skill to fall back on!

Your generous donation, Laurent, will enable Pardada Pardadi to provide a set of two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks for Ruksar.

Thank you all for coming together in support of Ruksar. Your support is much appreciated!


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Jyoti aspires to become a language teacher!

Dear Laurent,

Seventeen year old Jyoti lives in the village of Anoopshahr, Uttar Pradesh. Her father, Dinesh, is a farmer and her mother, Shashi, is a housewife. Jyoti has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a three room house, which has no toilet but does have a water pump and an electrical connection. Jyoti’s family owns one buffalo which provides them milk and a source of labor.

Both Jyoti’s parents have studies upto grade 10, and realize the value of an education. Which is why they were very happy when Pardada Pardadi chose to open a school for girls in the area. Jyoti is currently enrolled in grade 9. Her favorite subjects are vocational skills and English.

When she finishes school, Jyoti plans to make use of her education and become a Hindi teacher, so that she can help educate others. However, right now, Jyoti just loves to eat sweets and play cricket at school with her friends.

Thank you so much, Laurent for supporting Jyoti through your donation of a set of two school uniforms, a pair of shoes and a set of warm clothes. This will last her through an entire academic year and keep her warm during the winters.


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Archana has 100% attendance in school!

Dear Laurent and Nicola,

Fifteen year old Archana lives in the village of Karanpur. Her father, Rajendra, is a farmer, while her mother, Sudama, is a housewife. Archana’s mother is a rarity in her village in that she has studied upto grade 8. The only source of income for the family is what they earn from farming the small plot of land that they have. Archana has two brothers and two sisters, all of whom live in a four room house, which has a toilet, electricity and hand pump for water. Archana’s family also owns four cows and two buffalos which provides them with milk and can be used to plough the fields.

Archana is enrolled in grade 9 at the English medium school run by Pardada Pardadi. She is a bright young girl who likes to learn, and it is not surprising that she has an attendance record of almost 100%! Her father has done his Masters, and is determined to educate his girls, and he gives his daughters all the encouragement that they need. Archana’s sister Manju is studying in the 10th grade at Pardada Pardadi and her other sister is a teacher.

Archana likes studying home science in school and for fun she likes to play cricket with her friends. Archana likes everything about school and can’t pick out one favorite thing. Like any other high schooler, Archana isn’t sure about what she wants to be when she finishes school. However, Pardada Pardadi knows that she will do something great in the future because she is driven and has the support of her family.

Pardada Pardadi has chosen to open a school in the area that Archana lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

Thank you so much, Laurent for funding Archana’s tuition for an entire year!

Thank you, Nicola, for gifting two sets of uniforms, a pair of shoes and warm clothes to Archana. That would incentivize her to continue coming to school, and maintaining her 100% attendance record.

Give this gift » Provide a year of free education to a girl from rural India!

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College Awaits Sudha!

College Awaits Sudha!
Dear Laurent,

Sixteen year old Sudha comes from the village of Badpura and is currently studying in class 9B.

Her father, Lakahmi, is a farmer while her mother, Malvait, is a housewife; both of her parents have no education. Sudha’s family that includes her two brothers and one sister – all live in a two room house which has no electricity or a toilet. They use a hand pump for water when they need it. Also, they have two buffaloes which is used as a source of labor and milk for the family.

Sudha has only joined Pardada Pardadi in 2008; before which she attended a school in the village of Pota. However, her family saw the benefits of putting Sudha in Pardada Pardadi such as a better education and the ability to have a job when she graduates. When Sudha graduates from school, she would like to go to college in Anupshahr and become a teacher!

Pardada Pardadi has chosen to open a school the area that Sudha lives, so that these girls can get an education and have the ability to have a job after they graduate. Supporting these girls will ensure the success of them!

With your generous gift, Sudha can now participate in valuable vocational training, where she can learn to decorate many types of gorgeous home textiles through machine embroidery. With this knowledge, Sudha would later be able to earn money by opening her own machine embroidery shop from home. This would give her income to spend on her family, and more importantly, provide her with greater decision-making power than women usually have in her village.

Thank you so much, Laurent, for supporting Sudha by donating  a year of vocational training and set of  two school uniforms, a sweater, a pair of shoes and socks for Sudha.

Your support will ensure that she gets to attend school regularly and learn a marketable skill, giving her a source of livelihood!



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