Krishna can study for her future

Dear James,

Krishna is in the 11th grade at Pardada Pardadi intercollege in Anuphsahr, India. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a housewife. She also has four brothers and one sister. Krishna is 16 and wants to become a policewoman when she finishes school.

Because Krishna’s family has so little income, her parents cannot afford to send her to school without external aid. Pardada Pardadi works toward women empowerment and education in India because girls, especially in rural areas, are often neglected.

Because of societal norms in India, families that cannot afford to send all of their children to school often send only the boys. Men have a higher value in society and are supposed to fund the family while the women stay at home. Thank you, James, for enabling Krishna to finish her education so she can pursue her goals. She is extremely grateful for this opportunity you enabled Pardada Pardadi to give her. Thank you, again, James, for making a difference in Krishna’s life.

Give this gift » Provide a year of free education to a girl from rural India!

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Manjula is a bundle of talents

Dear Jerrine,

Manjula* is a 14 year-old girl from the town of Anupshahar, which is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. She is currently in class 9A at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College. Her father, Jatender Saxena grinds wheat into flour for a living, and her mother, Usha, is a housewife. She has three sisters who all live in a three room house; Madhuri’s family has a toilet, a hand pump for water and electricity.

Illiteracy among girls in India is widespread. 70% of the children who are not enrolled in school are girls. Pardada Pardadi (PPES) provides free education for its students, including vocational training, textbooks, meals, and supplies. Though it started with an enrollment of 45, PPES now educates and provides job training and employment for 996 girls.

A versatile girl, Madhuri is at the top of her class. She likes to draw, enjoys dancing and particularly loves music classes. She is also the emcee for school ceremonies because of her diction, stage presence and self confidence. She is very artistic and in the future, Madhuri wants to become a clothing designer someday!

Thank you, Jerrine, for donating two sets of school uniforms, winter clothes and shoes to Madhuri. Every day that Madhuri comes to the Pardada Pardadi is another day that promises to tap her talents.

*name changed to protect identity


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Punam wants to become a physician

Dear Dale, Subhash, Sivan, Julian, Jennifer, and Keith,

Thank you all for coming together to provide Punam with a year of computer training and English speaking classes through Pardada Pardadi (PPES). Punam is 17 years old and lives in Manapur, a village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. She is in the ninth grade at Pardada Pardadi Inter College in Anupshahr. Her father, Radhacharan, is a farmer, and her mother, Lakhmi, is a house wife. Punam also has one sister and five brothers.

Illiteracy among girls in India is widespread. 70% of the children who are not enrolled in school are girls. Pardada Pardadi (PPES) provides free education for its students, including vocational training, textbooks, meals, and supplies. Though it started with an enrollment of 45, PPES now educates and provides job training and employment for 996 girls.

Thank you Dale, Subhash, Sivan, Julian, Jennifer, and Keith for supporting education in India. Your kindness allows Punam to continue studying her favorite subject, English, as she works her way towards becoming a doctor.

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Fighting illiteracy one child at a time

Dear Joan, Akiko, and Joe and Karen,

Guden is 14 years old and hails from Dugra Jaat, a village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. She is in the sixth grade at Pardada Pardadi Inter College in Anupshahr. Her father, Hunker, does manual labor to support the family. Kela Davi, Guden’s mother, is a housewife. Guden has one sister and four brothers as well.

Illiteracy among girls in India is widespread. 70% of the children who are not enrolled in school are girls. Pardada Pardadi (PPES) provides free education for its students, including vocational training, textbooks, meals, and supplies. Though it started with an enrollment of 45, PPES now educates and provides job training and employment for 996 girls.

Thank you Joan, Akiko, and Joe and Karen for providing Guden with a year of tuition! Because of your generosity, she can continue to study her favorite subject, English, and pursue her dream of become a police officer.

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Bavita is proud of her new uniform

Dear Elizabeth,

Bavita is in the 7th grade at the Pardada Pardadi elementary school in Uttar Pradesh, India. She lives with her two sisters, four brothers, and parents, who are farmers. Bavita is 11 years old and hopes to become a teacher.

Bavita likes school and her favorite class is home economics. However, students must wear uniforms in order to attend school. Pardada Pardadi strives to provide uniforms and schooling for as many young girls as possible because families in rural India often cannot afford to send them to school.

Thanks to your donation, Elizabeth, Pardada Pardadi was able to provide a school uniform for Bavita. Her family feels ensured that she is furthering her education to have a brighter future. Thank you, again, Elizabeth, for enabling Bavita to pursue her dreams of becoming a teacher.


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Anu wants to be a doctor

Dear Laura,

Anu is in 7th grade at the Pardada Pardadi elementary school. She lives in Kholur, India with her three brothers and parents, who are farmers. Anu is well-mannered and likes going to school. Pardada Pardadi is an education foundation that provides free schooling and uniforms for its students.

India struggles to offer education for the masses, so Pardada Pardadi aids young girls in pursuing their dreams by providing education and supplies. Students like Anu need uniforms to attend school in India, but because of the costs for uniforms, many children like Anu cannot go to school.

Because of your donation, Laura, Pardada Pardadi supplied Anu with a school uniform. She can now attend school with her friends and pursue her dreams. Anu loves English and hopes to become a doctor when she grows up. Millions of young girls in India wish to have this opportunity, so thank you, Laura, for enabling Anu to attend school and achieve her goals.

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Komal will soon be independent

Dear Kate, Kristin and Craig, and Kayla,

Thank you for coming together to give Komal a career.

Komal is sixteen years old and lives in  Anoopshahar in India. Her father, Shahi Singh is a Serviceman, and her mother, Mamta Devi is a housewife. She has one brother.

Komal is going through a six month tailoring course at Pardada Pardadi School, at the end of which she will find employment, and be economically self sufficient.

Thank you for giving her a life of dignity.

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Anju wants to become a math teacher

Dear Maria, Rhea, Microsoft, Tanu, James, and Microsoft,

Anju lives in the village of Veer Pur in Uttar Pradesh, India. She is in the seventh grade at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College in Anupshahr. Her father, Gunga, is a farmer, and her mother, Sharda, is a house wife. She has one sisters and three brothers.

Anju is a very intelligent, devoted student. Her favorite subjects are math and english and she wants to be a math teacher when she grows up.

Thank you, Maria, for providing Anju with a school uniform so she can continue studying at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College and pursuing her dreams!

Thank you Microsoft Employees, Tanu, James and Rhea for coming together to donate an entire year of school meals to Anju.


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Quick learner dreams of becoming a police officer

Dear Casey,

Sheelam is 15 years old and lives in the town of Karanpur, located in Rajasthan. Her father, Kaskesh, works full time to support the family and her mother, Sunaita, is house wife. She also lives with her two sisters and one brother. Sheelam is a quick learner and is excited to continue her vocational training. Your generosity, Casey, will help her pursue her dream of becoming a police officer.

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Mudbala is a talented artist

Mudbala lives in Manapur in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Her father, Dabdat, is a manual laborer, and her mother, Karin, is a house wife. She also has an eight-year-old sister.

Mudbala is in the ninth grade at the Pardada Pardadi Inter College in Anupshahr, Uttar Pradesh. She loves to draw and hopes that one day she will be a professional painter.

Your kindness, Holly, will cover the costs of a year of computer training and English speaking classes for Mudbala. Due to these classes, Mudbala will be better prepared to market her paintings in the global marketplace!


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